Take Our Equity Pledge This Month
Impact begins when we all understand the need for change.
Are you ready to sign the pledge?
Take The Pledge
By taking this pledge, you are joining Profound Ladies and community of changemakers working to create a more equitable education system for BIPOC teachers and students. Through increased awareness and tangible action steps, we can shift the social and systemic barriers that exist within our public school system.
Together, we can advocate for a better world. Together, we can ensure that all students receive an equitable education, from an anti-racist and trauma-informed lens.
By signing the pledge you will receive periodic email updates on the work Profound Ladies and our partners are doing and how you can get involved.
Step 1: Read
Read and engage around CREED’s, E(RACE)ING Inequities Report, CREED’S DEEP ROOTED
Step 2: Listen
Listen to a Hummingbird Series (podcast).
Listen to The Way Out Is Back Through (podcast).
Step 3: Support
Identify ways within your community to create equitable spaces.